17 Epic New LARPs in April with Cosplay, Battle & Story

Empire LRP, Danish Lord of The Rings and exclusive sci-fi larping – these are some of the most exciting new LARPs in April 2023

The Zone, Legacies, Reckoning, Empire LRP and War in The North. Explore new worlds, fight for your life and encounter creatures from Tolkien’s Middle-Earth and beyond the veil.

It’s the best in cosplay, stories and boffer battles in Live Action Role Play (LARP) from Bristol and Manchester to Washington, New Jersey and Tennessee to Germany and Denmark – these are some of the most exciting new and upcoming LARPs in April 2023.

17 Awesome New LARPs in April 2023

Travel to Ilydan

Bristol UK, 1 April 2023

A brand-new LARP story and system by a mixed group of old-hat LARPers and youngbloods in South West England. We’ve been watching Ilydan prepare with half-day and introductory events over the last few months and are super excited to see their first full-day LARP system test. Setup: You’ve been travelling aboard a creaky vessel for days and now, finally, make landfall on a previously unknown and unexplored new island dubbed, Ilydan – let the adventure begin. We hope to see more of the Ilydan crew soon!

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Type High Fantasy LARPing Where Goblin Combe Lodge, Cleeve Hill Road, Bristol, UK Cost Free crew tickets | Get tickets

The Zone: Near-Future Sci-Fi LARP

Manchester UK, 7–9 April 2023

Following a devastating nuclear explosion in the UK, an exclusion zone is established where raiders, freelancers and unscrupulous companies have set up a fledgling economy. But governments want to crack down on it, and mysterious strangers are arriving in search of rumoured divine presences inside the zone. Expect laser-tag battles and lots of plot twists in this unique sci-fi special among the LARPs in April.  

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Where Giant’s Seat Scout Camp, Off Ringley Road West, Radcliffe, UK (20 minutes outside of Manchester) Type A near-future dystopian sci-fi LARP, with laser tag equipment for battles Setting When the Calder Reactor in Scotland explodes, an ever-expanding exclusion zone is declared – you must survive it
Cost £60 | Contact to book

Garden Of Destinies

Tennessee US, 7–9 April 2023

The Garden is a mysterious location, and characters from 9 very diverse realms seem to end up here for some reason. Each with their history, skills and abilities – create your hero from a host of choices – and find your destiny among other destitute travellers in the Garden of Destinies

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Where Harrison Bay Group Camp, Tennessee, US Type It’s multi-genre because characters are from a very diverse set of worlds, with their lore, style etc. With boffer weapon combat. Setting A mysterious location that characters from 9 very diverse homeworlds somehow end up in.
Cost $65 | First-time Free | All dates and booking here: Garden of Destinies

Legacies LARP, Pacific Northwest

Washington US, 7–9 April 2023

All types are welcome in Fortnight, a fantasy-Medieval town that attracts a populace of misfits and would-be heroes. Characters seek to prove themselves, find fortune, battle the evils of the land, or just make some really entertaining friends at weekend-long, monthly Legacies LARP events.

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Where Various parks around Washington State; April event will be at Brooks Memorial State Park, Washington, US Type High fantasy boffer LARP with a selection of 17 playable races and various skills and abilities allowing characters to specialize in combat, magic, lore, trades, or any combination thereof. Setting Characters congregate in the Medieval frontier settlement of Fortnight, part of a larger world of arcane mysteries, grand politics, diverse cultures & religions, and strange beasts.
Cost $50 | First-time $25 | Book your spot

Aurum April

New Jersey US, 14–16 Apr 2023

Experience a fantasy realm on the cusp of change. The once high-fantasy realm of Sha’uru was forever changed when the dwarves discovered the new energy source Aurum. And Sha’uru thrust into a new age of budding medieval and steam-powered technology. Magic is all but gone, however, and world powers have hired you to claim resources on the newly discovered continent of Antioch. First-time players play for FREE in the monthly New Jersey Aurum LARP.

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Type Steampunk (dying magic) Where Manalapan Township, 56 La Valley Dr, New Jersey US Cost $55–$80 All dates for Aurum LARP | Get tickets

Fractured Game 76

Tennessee US, 14–16 April 2023

Using the good-ole Forest of Doors system (Atlanta), Fractured is a Tennessee-based LARP featuring a world where a metaphysical calamity has caused bleed-through from multiple dimensions/realms into the terrestrial, causing the emergence of all kinds of unique creatures and characters with awesome abilities and powers. With multiple homeworlds, endless character types, magic and abilities, it’s an awesome multi-day LARP at Fractured.

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Type Dark, Fantasy, Magic, Meta Where Harrison Bay State Park, Tennessee, US Cost $65 | Get tickets

Lands of Exile LARP: Heart of the Forest 

North Carolina US, 14–16 April 2023

Humans, dwarves, so many elves, drows and even all-new ravenous blood magic types descend on the Lands of Exile. Elandari, Fallen Sword, Magik, Fae and Eldest amass as the homelands fend off the exiled in the all-new Heart of the Forest event at North Carolina LARP, Lands of Exile.

Watch: The Lands of Exile LARP Experience

Type Nordic-style High Fantasy Where Singletary Lake State Park, Elizabethtown, NC, USCost $20–$60 All dates for Lands of Exile | Get passes

Laire: Medieval High Fantasy LARP

New Jersey US, 24–26 March 2023

Probably the No 1 reason to try LARPing and one of the best-known US LARPs in April. Set around the city of Avalon in Midlantia, Laire is a monthly multi-day LARP in a high fantasy setting (swords, elves, dwarves), that’s built pretty close to traditional role-play rules. So it’s all about creating your character and then living your hero’s journey – once a month, that’s awesome. The best part? Your first LARP weekend is Free! No jokes, you just pay for your food and come check it out for free at Laire LARP.

Watch: The Laire LARP Experience

Where Camp Forestburg, New Jersey, US Type Medieval High Fantasy, (Swords & Magic) Action Setting Avalon City in Midlantia, where magic is real, dark VS light, dwarves, elves, humans and more. Age 16+ Cost $55 or your first LARP Free All dates for Laire LARP | Book now

Echoes LARP Game 5

Tennessee US, 21–23 April 2023

Normally in Washington, this time in Tennessee. Echoes LARP is a game of humans, forest spirits and Slavic-inspired creatures. With 7 homeworlds, an endless variation on 3 key traits, magic, skills and attributes, craft and submit your character – with a focus on Play V Enemy play (not so much PvP) – and every type welcome, from warriors to wieldy merchants and sly diplomats at Echoes LARP. 

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Type PvE, Fantasy Where Harrison Bay State Park, Tennessee, US
Cost $65 | Get tickets

Empire LRP – Winter Solstice

Buckinghamshire UK, 21-23 April 2023

Possibly the biggest and best-known of all the LARPs in April, if not the world, then at least the UK. Empire LRP is a festival LARP happening four times a year and drawing in an amazing crowd of players from all around. The 9 distinct cultures that make up the world of Empire are constantly vying for power – hence the skirmishes – while high mages converse with the Eternals from the 6 adjourning panes of existence to try and get their homestead the upper hand. All whilst the Empire is under near-constant attack from barbarian Orcs. Who will rule Empire LRP?

Watch: A Deep-Dive on the Empire LRP Experience

Type High Fantasy Where Dadford Road Campsite, Buckinghamshire, UK
Cost £80 | Get tickets

After The End: Post-Apocalyptic Cyberpunk Western LARP

Tennessee US, 21–23 April 2023

Mutants, drifters and technology gone wrong. After the End is a unique Cyberpunk Western-style LARP set in a post-apocalyptic Georgia (though hosted in Tennessee). Choose between combat or non-combat modes, be a monster or a player – all in that unique twisted robot cowboy setting of After the End LARP.

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Where Possum Trot Cabin, 517 Adkins Trail, Winfield, Tennessee, US
Type Post-Apocalyptic Cyberpunk Western Setting The world ended long ago, this is what comes after – drifters, mutants, dysfunctional tech
Cost $100 | Book now

Mythic Adventures LARP

Florida US, 21–23 April 2023

A special event in the world of the Free Kingdoms. Mythic Adventures LARP is hosting their annual multi-day Feypril event from 21–23 April. And though we don’t know the details yet, we can imagine it plays out somewhere in the 9 regions that make up the world.

Watch: Mythic Adventures LARP

Where Camp Geneva, Florida, US Type: Muti-day high fantasy LARP in an expanded world with many races, abilities and skills.
Setting: The medieval fantasy world of the Free Kingdoms consists of 8 duchy regions, surrounded by ocean, the wild Fey Lands and desserts.
 $75 | Book your spot

Boddington Medieval Fayre and Feast

Australia, 22 April 2023

A very unique entry on this list, Boddington Medieval Fayre and Feast is not just a LARP, it’s a convention, complete with exhibits, artists and stalls – including amazing cuisine (hence the Feast in the name) in Australia. But it stands out among conventions in that it offers awesome LARP experiences – from jousting and LARP games to virtually everything (even exhibitors) being in-character, nearly all the time. Also a great place to stock up on LARP gear, that’s Boddington Medieval Fayre and Feast.

Watch: The Boddington Medieval Fayre and Feast Experience

Type Convention with LARP Where Lions Rodeo Grounds, Boddington, Western Australia Cost $25–$60 | Get tickets 

Reckoning LARP

Indiana US, 26–30 April 2023

After a successful Kickstarter campaign, Reckoning LARP was born in Indiana in 2022. And now joins our LARPs in April. Offering a mix of pure fantasy intrigue and battle-stye play, Reckoning’s focus is to create an immersive experience, so attention goes into every detail. With 4 main factions to join, a world of and in itself shrouded in mystery – with hidden treasures and secrets to uncover – it’s well worth checking out Reckoning LARP.

Watch: The Reckoning LARP Experience

Type High Fantasy Where 6900 Dave Carr Rd, Charlestown, Indiana, US Cost $170 | Get tickets

Calamity! A Weird West LARP

Georgia US, 28–30 April 2023

Something weird happened in 1874. A comet fell from the sky, starting a chain of strange events all over the Old West. Horses went extinct. Cannibalism is rife. And people have been encountering ghosts way too often. They called it the Calamity, and you play a character of your choosing in the town of Carrion Creek, in Calamity! A Weird West LARP.

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Where AH Stephens State Park, Georgia, US Type A western-style LARP (with a bit of HP Lovecraft and steampunk thrown in) that’s strongly story-driven and aims at a more “realistic” pulp-style experience (not too fantastical, more realism). Setting An alternate-history 19th-century American frontier town Carrion Creek in a small valley where things tend to get a bit weird.
Cost $80 | Book your spot

Fallen – Bad Lands 

Mahlwinkel Germany, 27 April – 1 May 2023

The world you knew is over. Armies of madmen, mean-eating lunatics and small pockets of hermit-like communities are all that are left. You are in the city of Fallen, near the badlands. And it is up to you to decide if you will live or die. Affiliated to the famous PRIM, Fallen is a German post-apocalyptic LARP set in a city where you must survive. And the quality of costumes and immersion is out of this world! Check out Fallen.

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Type Post-Apocalyptic (Sci-Fi) Where Lost Ideas, 1 Alte Heerstraße, Mahlwinkel, Germany Cost €50–€159 | Get tickets | (Inclusive: English Welcome)

War In The North

Værløse Denmark 28–30 Aprril 2023

And for something truly awesome and unique among the LARPs in April, War In The North is a beautifully immersive Lord of The Rings LARP in Denmark – don’t worry, they’re inclusive so English and foreigners are super welcome! Set between The Hobbit and The Fellowship of The Ring, War In The North sees the forces of Sauron’s (in the south) general, the Black Númenórean, Agandaûr, campaign to capture the northern kingdoms of Tolkien’s Middle-Earth. (Some battle, or play as a non-combatant.) Expects lots of orcs, elves, magic and warriors at War In The North. 

Watch: The War In The North Battle Experience

Type Lord of The Rings Where Rollespilshytten i Hareskoven, Ballerupvej 93, Værløse, Denmark Cost 300,00 DKK | Get tickets | (Inclusive: English Welcome)

Note: I try my best to get every bit of info I can on these LARPs in April, and will keep updating this page all the time. If you know of a book, author, show, channel or event that should be on this list, let me know at elvorne@scifixfantasy.com and I’ll make it happen.

What is LARPing?

A LARP is a “Live-Action Role-Play” game, which is kinda like a normal RPG (Role-Playing Game) but played out in real life – you actually go camping, dress up, have battles, make decisions and advance through a story like D&D in live action. Check out the full exploration of LARPing meaning.

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About Sci-fi X Fantasy

Do you enjoy my take on sci-fi and fantasy? I’m just one person doing all of this by myself because I love it (about scifixfantasy). And I’d really appreciate your support – share it with your friends if you like, or sign up for my free scifixfantasy newsletter, or connect on the scifixfantasy Facebook page

There’s a bit to explore already, and more coming soon. Enjoy! 

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