11 of the Best New Sci-Fi Books in May

All-new Fractalverse, Star Wars High Republic and The Blighted Stars – these are the most exciting new sci-fi books in May 2023

Doomed planets, prehistoric predators and temporal paradoxes worth avoiding. From sprawling space operas to dystopian thrillers and brilliant new adventures, these are some of the most anticipated new sci-fi books in May 2023.

Complete with titles, release dates, authors, synopsis and links to pre-order and buy your favourite new science fiction book releases right now…

11 Awesome New Sci-Fi Books in May 2023

Lords Of Uncreation

Adrian Tchaikovsky, 2 May 2023

The final book in Adrian Tchaikovsky’s The Final Architecture series. The brief (though miserable) peace human warrior Idris and crew enjoyed after the alien threat, The Architects, seemingly disappeared in Shards of Earth (Book 1) is well and truly shattered when they return with a vengeance in Eyes of the Void, able to destroy entire planets at will. We join Idris as he returns from terrible “unspace” with news that will spell either hope or doom for the human race in Lords of Uncreation.

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Genres Science Fiction, Space Opera, Fantasy, Adult
Author Adrian Tchaikovsky Home born Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire; lives Leeds, UK
Publisher Pan Macmillan Buy it Hard Cover | Kindle


LR Lam, 2 May 2023

Billed as sci-fi with fantasy elements. The first book in LR Lam’s all-new Dragon Scales Trilogy, Dragonfall reintroduces dragons to the mortal realm when a thief acquires a magical object that could make all their dreams come true. Problem is it requires a specific dragon to work fully, and that particular dragon is the last male, foretold to be the saviour of his kind – whose already begun to plot the poor thief and all of humanity’s demise in Dragonfall.

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Genres Science Fiction, Fantasy, Dragons, LGBTQ, Romance, Adult, High Fantasy, Magic
Author LR Lam Home born California US; lives Scotland
Publisher Astra Publishing House | Buy it

Deadly Memory

David Walton, 2 May 2023

Something for your Jurassic Park itch. Book 2 in David Walton’s Living Memory paleo-thriller series, Deadly Memory, sees China and the US face off to claim Thailand’s fossil riches as an unprecedented new find in a secret CIA lab strikes fear into scientists. While a deadly aquatic killer resurfaces from 250 million years ago. Question is: can humanity work together to save itself? Let’s see in David Walton’s Deadly Memory.

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Genres Science Fiction, Thriller
Author David Walton Home Philadelphia, US
Publisher Self | Buy it

Star Wars: The High Republic: Path of Vengeance

Cavan Scott, 2 May 2023

Book 41 in the Star Wars: The High Republic series, and the sequel to Path of Deceit, Cavan Scott’s Path of Vengeance sees Path of the Open Hand members Marda and Yana Ro working to undo the Jedi. But they’ll come to a crossroads where their choices will not impact the rest of their lives but also the fate of the entire galaxy.

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Genres Star Wars, Young Adult, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Space Opera, Canon
Author Cavan Scott Home United Kingdom
Publisher Disney Lucasfilm Press | Buy it

The Ferryman

Justin Cronin, 2 May 2023

Justin Cronin’s new standalone novel The Ferryman sees Proctor Bennett’s life upended by his aged father’s prophetic words amid rising tensions in the supposed idyllic paradise, Prospera. He’s always ferried the aged citizens to be re-lifed, and never questioned it, until now. As tension mounts among the citizenry and resistance forms against the order, there might be more to all of this than Bennett would ever have guessed.

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Genres Science Fiction, Dystopian, Fantasy, Thriller, Mystery, Adult, Horror
Author Justin Cronin Home Houston and Cape Cod, US
Publisher Ballantine Books | Buy it

Chain-Gang All-Stars

Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah, 2 May 2023

Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah’s debut novel Chain-Gang All-Stars sees two lovers and top prison fighters make a pact as they take on the toughest inmates in the American private prison system in a gladiator-style battle for the ultimate prize: their freedom. Of course, the corporate owners have other, perhaps deadlier plans, while the inmates search for a way to preserve their humanity in Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah’s scathing exploration of the US prison system in Chain-Gang All-Stars.

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Genres Science Fiction, Dystopia, Fantasy, LGBTQ, Adult, Lesbian
Author Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah Home New York, US
Publisher Pantheon | Buy it

Capture the Sun 

Jessie Mihalik, 9 May 2023

For romance fans, the final instalment in Jessie Mihalik’s Starlight’s Shadow trilogy, Capture the Sun sees intergalactic thief Lexi Bowen prepare to fulfil a new contract when her former crew goes missing nearby. Not good, because this could lead to an all-out war. And the only way to stop it is to throw in her lot with the teleporter who infuriatingly cost her a payday once, not to mention stealing her heart… in Jessie Mihalik’s Capture the Sun.

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Genres Science Fiction, Romance, Adult, Fantasy, Space Opera, Adventure
Author Jessie Mihalik Home Texas, US
Publisher Harper Voyager | Buy it

The Cassandra Complex

Holly Smale, 11 May 2023

And making the leap from YA to adult, Holly Smale’s new The Cassandra Complex sees a slightly neurotic Cassandra Penelope Dankworth’s life fall apart as she’s dumped, fired and deprived of her favourite comfort snack. Until she discovers a way to go back in time and maybe save the life she destroyed in The Cassandra Complex.

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Genres Science Fiction, Time Travel, Adult
Author Holly Smale Home London, UK
Publisher Penguin | Buy it

Fractal Noise 

Christopher Paolini, 16 May 2023

The second book in Christopher Paolini’s FractalVerse series, Fractal Noise sees another unexpected and unprecedented find in the furthest reaches of space. This time, it’s an anomaly on an uninhabited planet, and teams are sent to investigate. But this is more than just a curiosity, as the mere act of moving closer to the anomaly starts to have a profound effect on each of the Adamura crew in Christopher Paolini’s all-new Fractal Noise.

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Genres Science Fiction, Space Opera, Adult, Action, Young Adult, Sci-Fi Fantasy
Author Christopher Paolini Home Montana, US
Publisher Tor Books | Buy it

The Blighted Stars 

Megan E O’Keefe, 23 May 2023

The first book in Megan E. O’Keefe’s all-new The Devoured Worlds trilogy, The Blighted Stars introduces us to undercover revolutionary Naira whose task is to infiltrate the supposedly corrupt organisation leading a new planetary settlement. Though, the man in charge seems different from the stories she’s heard. But then they get marooned on a dead planet together and must work together to survive, only to discover a sinister plot that’s bigger than both of them in Megan E O’Keefe’s The Blighted Stars.

sci fi books may, sci fi, science fiction, books, may, 2023, best, new, science fiction book, releases, list, cant wait, the blighted stars

Genres Science Fiction, Adult, Space Opera, Sci-Fi Fantasy, Space, LGBTQ, Romance
Author Megan E. O’Keefe Home California, US
Publisher Orbit | Buy it

The Best Science Fiction Of The Year: Volume Seven

Neil Clarke, 30 May 2023

After a two-year hiatus, award-winning Clarkesworld Magazine editor Neil Clarke is back with his annual collection of the year’s best short stories in sci-fi and fantasy. The Best Science Fiction of the Year: Volume Seven features shorts by 32 top authors including Christopher Rowe, Ellen Klages, Rachel Pollack, KJ Parker, would you believe it Ken Liu, Neil Gaiman and many more – with foreword by Jonathan Strahan.

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Genres Fantasy, Science Fiction, Short Stories, Anthologies, Collections, Adult
Author Neil Clarke | Home New Jersey, US
Publisher Night Shade | Buy it

Note: I try my best to get every bit of info I can, and will keep updating this page all the time. If you know of a book, author, show, channel or event that should be on this list, let me know at elvorne@scifixfantasy.com and I’ll make it happen.

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There’s a bit to explore already, and more coming soon. Enjoy! 

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